FFP2 masks obligation only in public transport, no longer in trade. The third prick is valid for 12 months. The 3-G rule is mandatory in hospitals
Two days before the current Corona rules expire – the regulation expires on April 16 – Johannes Rauch, the health minister responsible, presented the measures that will apply throughout Austria starting on Holy Saturday.
According to the Ministry of Health, the FFP2 mask requirement will continue to apply:
- in all means of public transport and the associated stops
- in customer areas of vital trade (supermarkets, pharmacies, post offices, and bank branches)
- in hospitals, retirement, and nursing homes.
The FFP2 mask requirement indoors is officially dropped but is still recommended by the Ministry. Fabric masks or mouth-nose protection are out of the question for the health minister as an alternative to the FFP2 mask.
The 3-G rule continues to apply in hospitals, retirement, and nursing homes for visitors, employees, and service providers. Everywhere else, the Ministry of Health no longer has any 3-G settings.
Vienna’s path?
Whether Vienna continues to go its way, the 2-G-rule in the Nachgastronomie remains, or the 3-G-proof in the Gastro falls, that explains health city councilor Peter Hacker. For Health Minister Rauch is Austria-wide. As he says when asked, no more 2-G proof in the night gastronomy is needed.
A separate COVID-19 officer and a separate COVID-19 prevention concept are now only required for hospitals, retirement, nursing homes, and gatherings with more than 500 people.
There are also innovations or adaptations in the Corona vaccinations.
3rd vaccination remains valid for 12 months
The validity of the third vaccination in the Green Passport will be extended from the current nine months to 12 months (365 days).
Background: As of the end of April, around 800 third vaccinations would have expired, and the certificate would have appeared in red in the Green Passport. In May, this would have affected another nearly 900 vaccination certificates – by the end of June, about 74,000 people with three vaccinations would have been affected. “Everyone can go on vacation,” the Green health minister said in presenting the new, relaxed measures. “We should not make the mistake that everything will be easy.” Regarding the Corona vaccination, Rauch says, “There is currently no general recommendation for a fourth vaccination.” He said people are following the EU’s recommendations.
The health ministry is preparing intensively for the fall, he said. “Vaccination, contact tracing, medicines” are part of the “toolbox” that will be drawn upon, he says.
The regulation is valid until July 8.
Health Minister Johannes Rauch begins by giving a “short review.“ At the beginning of March, the mask requirement was initiated indoors because infection rates and bed occupancy pushed hospital staff to their limits, according to the health minister.
Wearing the mask in the summer, he said, is “the most lenient means” because “we are protecting others” and: “because the pandemic is not over. New virus variants are floating around”.
Regarding the Corona vaccination, Rauch says, “There is currently no general recommendation for a fourth vaccination.” One follows the recommendations of the EU, he says.
- source. kurier.at/picture: pixabay.com
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